Fibromyalgia Awareness Month Celebration Kickoff

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May is Fibromyalgia Awareness month! I am always excited to share fibromyalgia information with my readers, but I’m especially excited to share it this month. During the month of May fellow fibromyalgia bloggers and I will be presenting a new giveaway each Monday as well as news about various fibromyalgia events and articles. 

Scroll to the end of the page to see the current and upcoming giveaways.

Fibromyalgia Awareness Month Weekly Giveaways #fibromyalgia #giveaways

To kick off the celebration, let’s talk fibro.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a multi-faceted disease with various symptoms that also vary in degree of severeness. It is commonly mistaken as an auto-immune disease and is often times crippling. Also known as an invisible illness, it affects approximately 5.8 million Americans and more worldwide.

Fibromyalgia definition #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiadefinition

What are the symptoms of fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia symptoms #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiasymptoms

What are the treatments of fibromyalgia?

There are various treatments of fibromyalgia. I choose to follow a daily natural treatment regiment to control my fibromyalgia symptoms.

Treatments for Fibromyalgia #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiatreatments

For more information and additional resources, please visit my Fibromyalgia page.

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiaawarenessday

Current and Upcoming Giveaways

  • May 4 – $100 Amazon gift card presented by Being Fibro Mom
  • May 7 – Swagbucks giveaway presented by Swagbucks
  • May 11 – $50 D&W Family Store gift card presented by Fibro Community
  • May 18 – Starbucks gift card
  • May 25 – $15 Target gift card presented by Hweebo


Do you have any articles, events, or thoughts to share? Please leave it in the comments.

Thank you to all the bloggers participating in the celebration:

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Fibro Community

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The Wolf and Me

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Fibro Blogger Directory

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Fibro Geek

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8 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia Awareness Month Celebration Kickoff”

  1. My mom was diagnosed with Fibro 20 years ago. At the time there were little resources available and she didn’t receive much in the form of outside support. It took me being diagnosed with Latent-Lupus to finally understand her chronic pain and fatigue.

    Thank you for sharing this information to help spread awareness, Brandi!

    1. I was the same way, Tina. My mom was diagnosed in the early ’90s when it was considered an ‘in your head’ disease. I never realized what she was going through until I experienced it. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Gentle hugs, friend!

  2. I have heard of fibromyalgia but didn’t know a lot about it. Love your colors and graphics. Thanks for linking up at Favorite things Friday and increasing awareness!

  3. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a year ago and didn’t know much about it and decided to do some research. I find your site very informative and comforting. Thank you for all you are doing.

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