This week’s review is The FibroManual by Ginevra Liptan, MD. One of my favorite ways to rest is by curling up with a good book. Like movies and music, all genres appeal to me, and I give all books a chance to be ‘heard’!
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The FibroManual by Ginevra Liptan, MD
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The FibroManual is a must-read guide for anyone living with fibromyalgia. Not only is it written by a doctor with an in-depth knowledge of fibromyalgia, but Dr. Liptan also lives with fibromyalgia. She has a personal interest in this condition and it shows in this treatment guide.
The book dives into what fibromyalgia is and isn’t in order for the reader to truly grasp what this condition is all about. It mimics so many conditions and affects various parts of the body’s systems, so understanding it is the first step to treating it.
This book is also available with Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans.
A vast majority of the book is exploring what Dr. Liptan calls the 4 Rs of fibromyalgia: rest, repair, rebalance, and reduce. Each section is broken down into the various ways you can treat fibromyalgia through these methods. She doesn’t stick with the method of ‘this is what it is and how you treat it’, but rather she talks about the *why* of it. Why your body reacts a certain way and how to best approach it.
Even after living with fibromyalgia since 2006 and diagnosed since 2012, The FibroManual has been essential is understanding why my body reacts a certain way because of fibro. By truly understanding the mechanisms of this condition, I can formulate the best way to treat it and manage my symptoms. It has been a life changer successfully managing my symptoms.
This book is also a great read for those caregivers and loved ones of someone living with fibromyalgia. It’s more than ‘my body hurts all over’ to have a mutual understanding of fibromyalgia between the patient and caregiver. Fibromyalgia affects everyone in the house, and this aspect makes it even more important for the caregiver to read.
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As the title states, The FibroManual is also a great way for a fibro patient and doctor to establish an effective treatment plan. A majority of doctors do not understand fibromyalgia and certainly many of them do not take the time to learn more about it. This manual is a great way to involve your doctor and work together on healing.
If you are living with fibromyalgia, I strongly encourage you to pick up this book and give it a shot. You don’t have to read it cover to cover. Look at the table of contents and pick which area you’d like to start addressing first. Which area of your symptoms affects you the most? Start with the section ‘What Fibromyalgia Is…and Isn’t’ and then go on to the area you’d like to work on first. You won’t be disappointed.
Read all my reviews on Goodreads.
The Four R’s of Fibromyalgia with Dr. Liptan
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