Men With Fibromyalgia

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Even though more women are affected by fibromyalgia, men are affected, too. Though it has many of the same symptoms, fibromyalgia affects men differently. Norman, founder of Men With Fibromyalgia and a patient advocate, is the author of the new e-book, “Men With Fibromaylgia – How Fibromyalgia Affects Men Differently”. 

Norman is giving away a copy of his ebook for May’s Fibromyalgia Awareness month. Continue reading to find out more about the book, and how to enter the giveaway.  There are giveaways to enter, product reviews, personal success stories, articles about fibromyalgia organizations, and other online events throughout the month of May! Check them out here.

photo credit: image created by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom using the book cover image from the Amazon website
photo credit: image created by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom using the book cover image from the Amazon website
#Fibromyalgia affects men differently! Read the #MenWithFibromyalgia ebook to find out how. Share on X


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This post contains affiliate links which means a percentage of the sale goes to this site, but at NO extra costs to you. For more details, read about my disclosure policy.

From the Amazon website about the ebook, Men with Fibromyalgia: How Fibromyalgia Affects Men Differently:

Every case of Fibromyalgia is different, no matter if you are a man or a woman. Fibromyalgia is mainly known as a woman’s disease, however, according to the CDC in 2015, “1 in 7 cases of Fibromyalgia are Men”. However the mayo Clinic tells us this number is closer to “40% Men to 60% women”. Many medical professional’s still deny that men can get Fibromyalgia. With that said the CDC also tells us that, “Most people are diagnosed during middle age and prevalence of cases increases with age”.

In this book we will reveal that in truth the CDC numbers are more than likely mistaken, as men trained by other men do not talk about their aches and pains or their emotions until it is too late. Over 80% of women diagnosed with Fibromyalgia have Mild to Moderate symptoms, while over 80% of men diagnosed have Moderate to Severe symptoms.

Why the discrepancy between women and men?

It is unknown what causes Fibromyalgia, or even why it affects people differently, but it is known to cause lifelong widespread chronic pain, constant fatigue, loss of brain function and mental acuity known as brain fog, loss of physical coordination and strength.

This collection of Men With Fibromyalgia stories, is intended to show the differing aspects between men and women with this debilitating, lifetime, chronic illness. Some are stories of men who have learned to successfully manage their Fibromyalgia symptoms, yet others are from those who have yet to find a manageable treatment program.

There is hope, and you are NOT ALONE in this fight!

Click here to pre-order your copy.


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Being Fibro Mom was given a complimentary copy of the e-book in exchange of an honest review. Here is my review:

Men with Fibromyalgia is an inside look to how fibromyalgia affects men. It has fibromyalgia resources, but, more importantly, it also has personal stories shared by various male thrivers. The collective stories shared in the book by male sufferers is eye-opening and vulnerable. It is a complex illness leaving the sufferer feeling less than, but this affect is greater with men. Men, stereotyped by society, are to be strong and never to fall ill. Feeling this stigma, men are less likely to voice their pain and hurt. This e-book gives them that much needed voice allowing them to be heard by others, caregivers and medical personnel alike. Norman has done an amazing job gathering these stories and sharing them with others in order to help other men speak up and give the help they so desperately need.


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photo credit: Norman, Men With Fibromyalgia
photo credit: Norman, Men With Fibromyalgia

Norman is the founder of Men With Fibromyalgia, a patient advocate, and a Fibromyalgia, CFS warrior. Lives in Tucson AZ, With his loving Wife Stephanie, their Rescued Beagles Winchester and Luna, as well as their two cats Missy, and Muggins.

Along with Fibromyalgia, he has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as constant chronic pain from his time with the United States Marine Corps, and 2 Motor-vehicle accidents.

He is a Blogger and Vlogger with, and when he was going to branch out to tell his own story from a man’s viewpoint of Fibromyalgia, many other men from Facebook groups wanted to do the same. So Norman started Men With Fibromyalgia as a place for men, spouses and family members can share their stories and experiences, with others in the hope of spreading not only awareness of this devastating disease, but in the hope that a cure will be found!


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This post contains affiliate links which means a percentage of the sale goes to this site, but at NO extra costs to you. For more details, read about my disclosure policy.

Enter the giveaway to win a copy of the Men with Fibromyalgia – How Fibromyalgia Affects Men Differently e-book. No purchase necessary.

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Learning to Live Again with Fibromyalgia #MenWithFibro
photo credit: stock image from Adobe Stock by © massimofusaro and modified by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom


photo credit: image created by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom
photo credit: image created by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom

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