Life Beyond Chronic Pain by Jaime Heidel

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This week’s review is Life Beyond Chronic Pain: The Step-By-Step Guide to Healing Chronic Illness Naturally by Jamie Heidel. One of my favorite ways to rest is by curling up with a good book. Like movies and music, all genres appeal to me, and I give all my books a shot. There are a few ways I find new books to read: Goodreads, my two book clubs, friends’ recommendations, and browsing the internet. My favorite author is Greg Iles, and the books I am most interested in reading are nonfiction books about the Holocaust.

Weekly Book Review #BeingFibroMom #BookReviews
created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © Pakhnyushchyy at

Disclaimer: This product was given to me in exchange for a review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. As always, the review is in no way influenced by the company and all opinions are my own and honest.

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Life Beyond Chronic Pain

It has been awhile since I’ve read a book because of my recent hectic situation, but I’m glad I had the chance to read Life Beyond Chronic Pain: The Step-By-Step Guide to Healing Chronic Illness Naturally by Jaime Heidel. Scroll down to “My Review” to read my thoughts about this book.

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About the book

Taken from the Amazon website:

“Living with chronic pain and illness? Even if both conventional and natural methods have failed you, there’s still hope. The secret to achieving measurable success is healing your chronic disease in the right order, and I’m going to show you how to do just that. In my easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide, I offer research-based, holistic methods you can use at home to stabilize your condition and live a happier, healthier life.

(Links to studies that explain the science behind these recommendations are also included in this guide.)

Get your copy now, and emerge into a whole new world of wellness!


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created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © Pakhnyushchyy at


About the Author

Taken from Jamie’s website, I Told You I Was Sick:

“When I was ten years old somebody asked me, ‘Jaime, what do you want to do when you grow up?’ My immediate answer of, ‘I want to save the world’ drew laughter from my peers and indulgent looks from adults.

Throughout my childhood, I was sick both physically and mentally. I had behavioral problems, difficulty learning, social confusion and terrible physical pain in my stomach, muscles and head. After being taken to doctors for years with inconclusive results, it was finally decided I was simply ‘making it all up for attention.’

It wasn’t until I was 22 years old that my tireless effort to find out exactly what was wrong with me paid off and I was finally able to say, ‘I told you I was sick.’

It turned out that food allergies were causing all of my symptoms both mental and physical.

Do you suffer from mystery symptoms too? If so, you’re not alone and you’re not crazy. There is no reason for you to continue to suffer. There are real reasons behind your mystery symptoms.

Is your child acting strange? Does he or she have behavioral issues  you can’t explain?”


Why I Trust Jamie’s Book

Jamie’s book is one of those books that is relatable from the first page. Her story is similar to mine in how she tried to live a normal life and ignore the pain she was living in. The realization of living with chronic pain was the same that many of us have at one time or another.
There are a few quotes from her book that hit home for me:
You’re a whole spirit trapped inside a broken body, and the only thing you can do is go through the motions, existing on autopilot, but not really connecting, not really living.
That is how I was living my life for six long years. It was agonizing and it was slowly taking the life out of me. Making this connection between my experience and Jamie’s, made me trust her automatically. She’s lived what I have lived. She’s experienced what I’ve experienced. And she gets me even though we’ve never met.

It’s Not Just Herbs and Oils – It’s More Than That

Don’t let the title of “healing chronic illness naturally” chase you away screaming because you think it’s all about oils, herbs, supplements, and other natural ways. It’s more than that.
It’s about understanding the toxins in your life and how they effect your body. Knowing how to identify those toxins (people, food, and others) are critical to healing your body. Jamie identifies toxins you wouldn’t normally consider as toxic (for example – the microwave – I knew I couldn’t trust that thing!).
Once you understand and identify those toxins, the author guides you through eliminating those from your life. Detoxifying is important and knowing the options are important to doing it the right way, the safe way.

That’s Why I’ve Been Crying!

I don’t want to cover each part of the book because you would have to read it yourself. I could not do it justice in stressing the importance of each part; however, there is one part of the book that gave me an ‘aha’ moment.

The month of December has been a stressful one for my family and me. So stressful that I’ve been crying a lot. No, not a lot – a LOT. Every day, at least once a day. I didn’t know why I was crying and why it was so often. Then I read a segment of her book about crying. When stress levels are high, the body rids itself of stress hormones through emotional crying. This explains why I was crying so often.


It’s comforting to know I was crying for a reason, and not because I was just crazy crying. There’s a purpose, and I was happy to know it.

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I gave this book 5 out of five stars. It’s a short read, but powerful. And because it’s powerful and can make a difference in your life, it needs to be read slow and re-read. Taking notes of the sources, recommendations, and study results is beneficial to remembering, too. It is better understood with each read.




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