After I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I looked for ways to cope with fibromyalgia and manage its symptoms. At the time, I was a mom struggling to find ways to better manage my symptoms while raising a family. I constantly felt as though I was failing and I needed help.
Online resources for a mom in my situation proved to be nonexistent. I found a lot of misleading and confusing information and there were virtually no resources about raising a family while living with fibromyalgia. It was discouraging, to say the least. I had no clue how I could manage fibro symptoms while being a full-time parent. I felt powerless, confused, overwhelmed, and burnt out within minutes of being awake each morning. Not to mention the guilt of not being able to give my kids what they needed and wanted in all the ways a mom *should* for her kids. I had nowhere to turn and no one to turn to.
That’s when I decided to start sharing my experiences which led me to the creation of this blog, Being Fibro Mom. Over the years I’ve learned that it IS possible to raise a family while living with fibromyalgia – without the constant struggle. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows, by any means, but it’s a lot easier now than it was all those years ago. Because of this, I have an entire website dedicated to fibromyalgia parents – Fibromyalgia Parenting. This is where we learn to embrace our parenting journey with confidence, strength, and resilience.