From the time the term ‘fibromyalgia’ was first used in the late 1990s to today, this condition hasn’t had many breakthroughs in the research/medical fields. And despite the millions diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it largely remains a mystery to many specialists, researchers, and organizations.

Fibromyalgia is a complex condition causing an array of symptoms and co-morbidities for those living with it. It affects the entire body and makes daily tasks challenging for many. While the condition is not life-threatening, it adversely impacts the patient’s quality of life. Learn more.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic (long-term) neurological health problem that causes widespread pain and tenderness (sensitivity to touch), fatigue, unrefreshed sleep, and cognitive problems. It can cause disability and a lower quality of life. There is no cure and no one-size-fits-all treatment, but rather a multidimensional treatment approach is used. Adults with Fibromyalgia may have complications such as more hospitalizations, higher rates of major depression, higher death rates from suicide and injuries, and higher rates of other rheumatic conditions.

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Is Fibromyalgia Real?

Many doctors argue about the validity of this chronic condition. Despite multiple published studies, there is still doubt in the medical field about it. Those living with it know it is accurate and feel it daily. Thankfully, studies and research continue to examine and evaluate the condition to find more answers and develop more effective treatments. Learn more.

Do You Think You Have Fibromyalgia?

The first and foremost crucial step to learning about fibromyalgia is this: It is up to you to voice what you are experiencing and how it affects you daily. Don’t let anyone – not even a physician or other specialist – say that what you are experiencing isn’t authentic or in your head. Your symptoms and condition ARE real, and your suffering is real, too. Speak up for yourself, and don’t allow anyone to tell you what you are feeling or not feeling.

Now that we’ve established that crucial step, let’s move on to the next steps.

The steps to receiving a fibromyalgia diagnosis can take weeks, months, or years, but following these tips will help you get a quicker diagnosis (or eliminate fibromyalgia sooner).

  • Keep a pain log.
  • Track your sleeping habits.
  • Journal your emotions.
  • Keep a medical notebook on hand.
  • Request labs before your next appointment.
  • Use a food journal.
  • Record your supplements.
  • Know how to approach your physician.

You may or may not have fibromyalgia, but these steps will help you and your physician to narrow down a proper diagnosis quicker and easier. Learn more.

So You Have Fibromyalgia. Now What?

A common question I am asked is, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. What do I do now? How do I start managing my symptoms? Receiving a diagnosis can be overwhelming and frustrating. Not only are you learning about the illness, but you also have to learn to heal from it and adjust your life to your new limits. It’s hard. I know. But with the proper resources, you can successfully manage your fibromyalgia symptoms. Learn more.

15 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia”

  1. I know several people with this. Some seem to manage it better than others. Everyone is different. Thank you for sharing this information.

    1. Yes, some manage it better than others, and each person’s fibromyalgia varies. I hope to help each person better manage their pain using various resources, and sharing my experiences. Thank you for reading! Please feel free to share this page with others!

  2. Fibromyalgia is not only a physical suffering with pain, it affects at emotional and mental level too. The person who suffers from fibromyalgia requires emotional support to fight this disease.

    1. Hi, I just found your page. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2012. On top of it I have Hashimoto’s and Restless leg syndrome now I am in menopause.
      Can Fibro give an indescribable leg pain, similar with RSL that it makes me anxiety? I cry, I actually cry.

  3. Brandi –
    Is there a “universal” journal out there somewhere or even better – on your desk that we can use to track pain, activity, how meds are working etc ?

    1. Hi, Rebecca! Yes!! Massages are a great way to help loosen the muscles and ease overall body aches. However, before starting a massage ask the therapist if they are familiar with fibromyalgia. There are certain massages that can be painful and cause more harm if done incorrectly on someone with fibromyalgia. Having a conversation about it beforehand would be the best approach. Myofascial Release Therapy is one of the best massage/therapies for fibromyalgia as it targets the fascia (the thin layer of tissue laying over the muscles). Let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. In the fibro/trapezius muscle article, the blue box quotes use the abbreviation CWP, but I can’t find anyplace that states what these letters stand for. Can you tell me?

  5. Jennifer Salas

    I’ve had fibromyalgia for 30 years now, even before they knew what fibromyalgia really was. I was a guinea pig with all the different meds they tested out on me to help with the pain. I developed bleeding ulcers a few times over the years before they realized lyrica was the way to go. The only problem I had was that by that time I already got the worse case ever of fibromyalgia. The meds help but taper off then have to re-acclimate to my body again. I’ve gotten pinched nerves, restless leg syndrome, herniated and slipped discs all related to fibromyalgia. It’s something most doctors don’t tell you that could happen. I’ve learned over the years how to compartmentalizations my pain along with what foods and drinks are okay to eat and what foods and drinks exacerbate the symptoms. I’ve also tried physical therapy, occupational therapy and water therapy to no avail. Each and everyone laid me up in bed for weeks even months at a time.

    I love coming across sites like these where there are those who are willing to share their experiences and their advice and opinions, because let’s face it, most doctors don’t know what’s best especially if they’ve never gone through what we have. They only know the medical ways but not the true pain it causes. I hope that this site helps others understand the dos and don’ts of this illness. And that is also helps their families and friends to better understand what their loved ones are going through.

    Unfortunately, there is no cure for fibromyalgia and the sad fact is that as time goes by it only gets worse. I wish those with this illness all the best and to stay strong.

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