5 Sleeping Tips for People With Scoliosis and Neck Pain

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Living with scoliosis and neck pain is never a pleasant experience. Just as their names suggest, these conditions will induce extreme discomforts and pain in your body. If you don’t deal with them properly, they can affect your daily lives in an entirely wrong way.

Neck pain can be a stand-alone condition. Or it could be caused by scoliosis, as a chronic headache will always remain its common symptom. Therefore, if you can manage your scoliosis problem, you will also be able to mitigate the nuisances that come with it.

Scoliosis can be triggered or worsened by the way you sleep. It is the very reason why proper sleep is one of the therapeutic interventions being used by physicians and specialists for this condition.

Here are some of the 5 sleep tips for scoliosis and neck pain that you should try.

5 Sleeping Tips for People With Scoliosis and Neck Pain #sleepingtips #beingfibromom
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5 Sleeping Tips for People With Scoliosis and Neck Pain

Don’t Sleep On Your Stomach

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If you think that you are preventing the aggravation of your spine by sleeping in your stomach, think again. It has been verified by numerous physicians that dozing off in your tummy does not help in correcting the problem.

Scoliosis, after all, is defined as the abnormal curvature of the spine. When you sleep at your back, this curvature is preserved–especially if you have ergonomic pillows as your support. On the flip side, if you sleep on your stomach, the structure gets disrupted over time.

Most of the long-term scoliosis cases that I have encountered are due to improper sleeping posture. Fortunately, you can always avoid the misalignment from ever happening by just having the correct sleeping positions.

Get a Good Mattress

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Your sleeping platform matters, especially if you have specific physical conditions like back pain, neck pain, lumbar pain, and so on. These issues may be due to other causes, but they can always be mitigated by having a good mattress.

For cases like scoliosis, one should know that being able to sleep comfortably and adequately is really important. Just consider the fact that your body requires high levels of therapeutic support to ensure that all the pressure points won’t be triggered. Furthermore, the proper mattress can prevent your spine from being misaligned unknowingly.

An article made from “ASleepyWolf has introduced some units of mattresses that are suitable for scoliosis and related conditions. You should check them out if you are interested in investing in this vital amenity.

Try Considering a Topper

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Aside from the mattress, it would also be great if you can invest in a mattress topper. A mattress topper is an extra layer of fabric or sheet placed above the mattress for added support and comfort. It is usually used, especially if the existing mattress has its quality deteriorating already.

Of course, not all toppers are suitable for treating scoliosis. At first, I thought that’s how things work. But it is not.

A proper mattress topper should never exceed the thickness of three inches. You might think that the thicker the topper is, the better it is for your body. However, such design diminishes the capability of the topper to provide the appropriate spine and neck support.

You should also choose a topper that is either made from breathable cotton, latex, or wool. These materials don’t trap heat, causing each of your evenings rests cool and cozy.

Sleep On Your Back Or Sides

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Just like I said earlier, sleeping on your stomach is not good for your neck pain or scoliosis. The last two choices that you have now is your sides or your back. Well, the decision may matter on your preferences and recommendations by your doctor.

Sleeping on the side is good, especially if you have pillows that are propped between your legs. The pillow can provide extra support and comfort while you are lying on your side.

But in most cases, it is always suggested for scoliosis patients to sleep on their backs for better pain relief. A hunched back can be adequately addressed if you continuously lie on your back. If you have a mattress with medium-firmness, such sleeping position is genuinely perfect.

Place Support On Your Neck and Head

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It is always important for people with scoliosis to have their neck and head fully protected. After all, these are the regions where the effects of scoliosis can manifest.

You don’t need to spend big to find good upper body support. By just having the right pillows, you can provide comfort to these sensitive areas.

Take note that when choosing support pillows, you should avoid those large ones. They will cause your head and neck to somehow protrude from your body, causing them to be misaligned against your spine.

Wrapping It Up

Again, having scoliosis or neck pain is never an easy ordeal. These conditions can punish your day-to-day activities because of the pain and discomfort they can cause.

Luckily, their symptoms can be effectively mitigated by just having a night of proper sleep. The tips that I have mentioned here are among of the most valuable guidelines that can prevent the worsening of these issues. Follow them, and you are one step closer from living a pain-free life.

That’s it for now. If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.





Author’s Bio:

My name is Layla Parker, the founder and chief editor of ASleepyWolf.com. I decided to start taking my blog about sleep seriously to help people find what they need to experience better sleep and maintain their health. Do check out my website to learn more how to improve it now!

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