Seeing a parent deal with chronic pain is not easy for kids and when it comes to dental visits, it is normal that they might fear some sort of fear. Dental phobia may also be a part of the problem. However, it is important for Mom or Dad to take care of the family’s dental health to avoid tooth problems and health issues. Here are tips to get your kids and the entire family smiling while coping with the challenges of fibromyalgia.
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4 Ways to Promote Dental Health in the Family as a Fibromyalgia Parent
Encourage Good Dental Health at Home
Good dental health begins at home. Leading by example is the best method to show your kids that brushing and flossing are great ways to take care of their teeth. While at times you might not have enough energy because of FM to demonstrate how to brush teeth properly, get your partner or hubby to do it while you explain the benefits. You can also show videos to your kids or use visuals such as magazines and books to emphasize why teeth cleaning is important and that a visit to the dentist is not that bad. To reduce dental phobia, you can even play pretend so that your child is prepared for the appointment.
Visit the Dentist at Regular Intervals
As a parent with fibromyalgia, you might suffer from dental issues yourself such as dry mouth due to the side effects of the medications you are taking. Make sure that you visit the dentist at regular intervals. You can also schedule your appointments with the dentist at the same time as that of your kids especially if your practitioner is in the same building as the pediatric dentist. Some dental practices can keep children busy while your dental works are being done. They can also reinforce the importance of keeping teeth and gums healthy.
Promote Healthy Diets
A healthy teeth condition is a product of good diets. This means ensuring that your family gets to eat wholesome and well-balanced meals laden with nutrients. Unfortunately, on those days that you suffer debilitating pain, you can’t prepare meals for the family. However, on those low-pain days, you might consider cooking in large batches and freezing them so that meals can be reheated easily and unhealthy takeaways avoided.
Limit the Presence of Sugars and Junk Food at Home
When shopping for groceries, avoid buying candies and confectionery in bulk so that there are no temptations lying around at home for your kids and the family. In addition, snack items should be confined to healthy foods such as low-calorie bars and sugar-free cookies, among others. As much as possible, encourage eating of fresh fruits and veggies that are good for the health and teeth.
Most importantly, it is vital that you explain your situation to your kids, that it is not always possible for you to take care of them when you are in pain and that it would really be helpful if they can do their part, take care of their teeth and be brave. Doing so would make it easier to develop good dental hygiene for the entire family.
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