10 Effective Ways to Prevent Back pain

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10 Effective Ways to Prevent Back Pain #BackPain #ChronicPain #BeingFibroMom
created by Brandi Clevinger using the image from © Andrey Popov at www.stock.adobe.com

One of the most common complaints of fibromyalgia and chronic pain is the back. Any pain stemming from the back radiates throughout the body causing secondary pains in the neck, hips, legs and feet. Dr. Sachin Bille from Body Pain Relief shares 10 effective ways to prevent back pain.

10 Effective ways to prevent back pain #BeingFibroMom #fibromyalgia Share on X

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Back pain is the fifth most common reason why people visit the doctor. Four out of five people will suffer back pain at one time in their lives. If you have back issues, whether they are recurring or not you should be comforted by the fact that you are not alone. Back pain present itself in the form of a sudden sharp pain or a dull persistent one. While it may be a result of a fracture or an injury, it may also be a symptom of a disease like arthritis. In other cases, it may occur as a result of being overweight. There are some simple ways to reduce and prevent back pain.

  1. Start Moving: The human body is not meant to be stagnant sited around doing nothing. Not moving for long periods of time cause a lot of strain to your spine and cause back pain. If you do not have back pain, ensure you keep doing your daily activities that involve moving. Even if your work involves sitting behind a desk for a long time, ensure that you take short breaks to walk. Swimming, cycling and taking the dog for a walk are great ways to ensure you keep movie to relieve and prevent back pain. Check out some work out gear!
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Jarmoluk


  1. Improve your sitting posture: Most seats constructed in the past were not ergonomic. If you spend most of your day sited at your desk, ensure that you have bought an ergonomic seat. Ergonomic makes sure that your back is straight when you are seated so that you are not too tired after a day of work and your back is not aching. These seats ensure your lower back is supported and your feet are planted on the floor firmly such that you are seated upright without slouching. Try ergonomic back support.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay


  1. Do not carry heavy baggage: Avid lifting heavy luggage if you are prone to back pains. Pregnant women should avoid lifting heavy things because the weight of their unborn babies is already straining their back. If you must lift, bend your knees and keep your back straight so that your back is supported and your spine is not strained by the weight you are carrying. Make travel easy with rolling luggage.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Tookapic


  1. Do not wear high heels: While wearing those sexy stilettos seems like the best thing to do to make your outfit stand out, it may not be a great idea. Most women prefer to suffer though back pain while creating an impression on others. However, switching to shoes with a heel that is only an inch high helps create a great posture while walking and thus provides more support to your lower back reducing back pain. Fashionable shoes come in all shapes, sizes, and color!
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Rakin
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Rakin


  1. Check your mattress: A mattress that is too soft causes your body to sink in. it creates a bad posture while you are sleeping. This causes strain on your spine and thus pain. While a mattress that is too firm may not be comfortable a mattress that is too soft is not good for your back either. Ensure that your mattress offers enough support to your weight to help you maintain the right posture. Looking for a mattress? Check here.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Erika Wittlieb
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Erika Wittlieb


  1. Exercise regularly: Most of the times we spend our days bending forward looking at computers and behind desks. Our bodies do not remain as mobile as they are meant to be. Exercising is a great way to keep your body moving and to help your spine regain the right posture for your body. With exercising you are also able to prevent obesity and being overweight thus reducing the strain on your back due to fat accumulation around your stomach. It also helps keep your joints flexible. Some best exercise that relieve back pain are foam roller extension,  supine hamstring stretch, two-knee twist and knee-to-chest stretch. Find all your exercise needs here.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Public Domain Pictures
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Public Domain Pictures


  1. Sleep correctly: Most people take their sleeping posture from babies and movies. Sleeping flat on your back is not recommended if you want to escape back pains. The best position is sleeping on your side. If you love sleeping on your stomach, relieve the strain on your back by putting a pillow under your lower abdomen. A supportive mattress and a good pillow are also critical in ensuring you are sleeping correctly. Need a new, supportive pillow?
photo credit: Brandi, Being Fibro Mom
photo credit: Brandi, Being Fibro Mom


  1. Avoid smoking: While many do not care that smoking does incredible harm to their lungs, skin and general health, people who have persistent back pain should avoid smoking. Studies have shown that smoking can increase back pain and make it last longer. Smoking narrows your blood vessels and thus reducing the amount of nutrients and oxygen that reach your spine. As a result your spine becomes week and easily injured by bad posture or any activity that strains it. If you have back pain, it is best that you stop smoking to increase the strength of your spine and improve your general health. Get help to stop smoking.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © KP Golf Pro
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © KP Golf Pro


  1. Make good lifestyle choices: Just because you are too busy to make lunch does not mean you have to get chips and soda for lunch. While spoiling yourself once in a while is allowed, choosing to eat foods with high sugar and fat content eat time is not wise. To begin with, these foods increase your body weight putting you at the risk of becoming overweight. Remember most of the fat is stored in your abdomen and thus causes strain to your spine. These foods have zero nutritional value and therefore will not help strengthen your spine of joints. Choose to eat some fruits instead, some milk, eggs or whole grain meal will help you keep your body healthy inside and out. Take your lunch with you in style while keeping it cold.
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Diapicard
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Diapicard


  1. Stop overdoing it: Just because you have been advised to exercise does not mean that you have to overdo it. If you are not used to exercising, take it slow, one step at a time will ensure that your body gets used to your new routine. Overworking not only strains your back muscles, it injures them. Continues injury of the same muscles creates unbearable back pain that seems to be unending. Ensure you avoid over using some muscles while you are engaging in certain activities such as sports or lifting objects from the ground. To avoid back pain, you must take care of yourself. Can’t get to the spa? Bring the spa home to you!
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Unsplash
photo credit: stock image from Pixabay by © Unsplash


About Dr. Sachin


Dr. Sachin is a practicing homoeopath from Mumbai and currently studying clinical research. He believes that preventing diseases is a stepping stone towards healthy lifestyle.

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10 Effective ways to prevent back pain #BeingFibroMom
stock image from Adobe Stock by © Andrey popov and modified by Brandi, Being Fibro Mom


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  1. Pingback: Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - Being Fibro Mom

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