We all want to give our young ones the most nutritious breakfast to give them a good kickstart for their day. Every day, we strive to do our best to prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast! But sometimes, you aren’t just sure if you have hit your goal! This article will give you some guidelines for making a healthier breakfast! It’s not as hard as you may think once you get the hang of it!
5 Ways for a Healthier Breakfast
1. Include eggs
Eggs are one of the cheapest sources of protein that you can buy and store in the fridge. You can use it for almost any dish! You will be using them to make pancakes, pizzelles, and waffles. You can buy easy waffle and pancake mixes (those that don’t need eggs), but you increase the nutritional value with eggs. You can also make omelets out of eggs. Add some herbs, spices, and tuberous veggies to them to pack your omelets with more vitamins and minerals! The possibilities are endless with this staple ingredient!
2. Make it whole grain
The easiest way to mill and process grain is not the best way. The bran and the germ are packed with vitamins and minerals. With the modern method and more careful milling, this part of the grain is not wasted. Whole grains are around 25-30% more nutritious than regular grains. It’s rich in fiber and b-vitamins that can increase energy, boost your kids’ immune system, and promote a healthy digestive system!

3. Add fruits
Fruits are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, too. Vitamin C, especially, is an integral part of a healthy diet that increases the body’s protection from illnesses! Add some berries to your pancakes, or have them as they are! You can expand your selection by adding a few tropical fruits to your grocery list. Apples and oranges are lovely, but if you want more variety, add bananas, kiwis, and pineapple.
4. Go for some beans
Maybe you are not just used to eating beans yourself. Or maybe your kids don’t appreciate them yet. If you can add some beans for breakfast, you can add protein to your kid’s breakfast. This is essential for their growth! Lentils are an excellent way to go. You can make some lentil loaf (like meatloaf without the meat!) and have it for breakfast. This will give them sufficient energy and lots of protein for growth!
5. Make it green
The real problem behind faulty eating habits may come from the adults at home! Greens are suitable for your kids and you, too! You can add bunches of greens to your omelets! You can even have a salad with your breakfast! Have some salad with your bacon and egg! Try practicing this with your kids! A salad on the side for breakfast! Greens are rich in iron, vitamins, and minerals! They are rich sources of fiber, too! Having a good serving every morning will surely raise your energy and boost your immune system! Take note that you will also have a healthy gut with these food choices!
Additional Tips For a Healthier Breakfast
Make a Good Eating Habit
Good eating habits are a great goal! It can take your health to the next higher level. But sometimes, instant food and fast food are more accessible. It’s easier to open a can of processed meat, stick it in the microwave, and be done with breakfast. But the thing is, a healthy eating habit can be developed! You and your kid will benefit from this! The key to creating and maintaining this habit is consistency.
Plan Ahead
By planning your breakfast meals, you will not have to think about them daily! If you plan them carefully, you will include them in your weekly grocery list! This means you will have them available daily and will not have trouble picking what’s for breakfast!
Take out the Unhealthy Choices
Every household has a stash of something unhealthy in its pantry. This is a great way to ensure that there is enough food in cases of emergency! But the problem is that we constantly consume and replenish it, defeating its purpose! If you cannot take them out, keep them to a minimum because it’s always easier to prepare them!
Last Words
Healthy breakfasts can make a big difference in your child’s daily activities. By making their breakfast healthy, you are making them resilient to illnesses and giving them sufficient energy to perform their daily activities! Follow this simple guideline to increase the nutritional value of your kid’s breakfast (and yours too)!
I hope you find this helpful post. Feel free to share this page with your friends and loved ones! Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask and leave a comment below! I will get back to you soon!
About the Author

My name is Kristin, and I’m a housewife with a big love for cooking. When not bringing on the Food Network and attempting to become America’s Next Top Chef, I browse for unique recipes to awe my friends. I’m Taste Insight’s founder and main editor, my blog about nutrition and vegetarian food!